Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Sipadan Island: Barracuda Point

Sipadan Island: Barracuda Point

The dive usually begins with the reef on your right, as you descend to the reef top at about 6 to 8 metres you will be greeted by schools of fusiliers; bump head wrasses congregate at the reef top. Growth of coral life extends to depths between 30 to 40 metres with huge barrel sponges, black coral trees, sea whips and soft corals. Huge black marble stingrays, schools of surgeonfish, large tunas, manta rays and clouds of pyramid butterfly fish greet the divers along the wall. Currents that sweep the valley section of the site attracts school of batfish, white tip sharks resting at the sandy bottom, barracudas, jacks, turtles, hammerhead sharks, gray reef sharks (carcharhinus anblyrhynchos) and even the leopard shark (stegostoma fafciatum) at the valley pass.

As you ascend from the 18 metre-depth of the valley to the gentle slopes at the side you can observe garden eels, triggerfish and even exceptional macro marine animals like the leaf-fish, frogfish, blennies, mantis shrimps and numerous nudibranchs.

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